Thursday, May 21, 2009


As part of our continuing efforts to bring innovative partnerships and additional resources to Board District 4 schools, we are excited to announce a new initiative in partnership with UCLA: Together In Education In Neighborhood Schools (TIE-INS).

TIE-INS will provide a link between three schools in the University HS complex and the UCLA campus. The partnership will substantially increase UCLA's presence and support of Nora Sterry Elementary, Emerson Middle and University High. UCLA will support high achievement at these schools starting at Nora Sterry in the 2009-2010 school year, and at Emerson and University in the 2010-2011 school year.

The TIE-INS partnership will also enable a limited number of children of UCLA employees who live outside the attendance area to attend these three public schools which are near the UCLA campus.

For more information about TIE-INS and Nora Sterry Elementary School, visit

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