Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Community Events

Since becoming a board member in 2001, one of my main goals has been to increase resident enrollment in the schools I represent. As new schools are built all over LAUSD, the number of students traveling to Westside and Valley schools has decreased. As a result, many of the schools I represent have fallen below their operating capacities, and I am working to ensure that those seats are filled by neighborhood kids.

I recently had the opportunity to participate in two community events aimed at informing the community about their local schools. The first was a forum hosted by the Del Rey Homeowners & Neighbors Association showcasing the progress of the schools in the Del Rey area. Administrators from Braddock, Playa del Rey, Short, Stoner, Marina del Rey MS and Venice HS were on hand to discuss the academic and extra-curricular offerings at their respective campuses. I joined the principals in a Q&A session to answer questions from community members and prospective parents.

I also recently participated in a Community Meeting hosted by Act for Education. This event showcased Emerson Middle School and University High School.

One of the main take-aways of these two events was the amount of misinformation, rumors, and half truths circulating about our schools. I am thankful that these principals had the opportunity to dispel many of these myths and to showcase the accomplishments of their schools. While I acknowledge that every school has it challenges, it is important for the community to also learn about the positive things going on at their local schools. The staff at these schools are working incredibly hard to make sure your children get a wonderful education. Feel free to call your prospective school and ask for a visit or to speak with a principal, counselor, or dean. When you leave the school, tell your friends about the wonderful things you saw and lets all do our part in changing the face of public education.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.